FAQ about Glasswork

You have a question? I might have an answer!

Why Orca?

Orcas are a recognizable marine animal from where I am from, often seen swimming in pods in the Puget Sound in Washington State, as well as off the coast of Oregon and British Columbia.

What sort of glass do you use?

All the glass I use currently is what is known as CoE 90. CoE 90 glass is the most commonly used glass in fusing, due to it’s relatively low rate of expansion. The primary producer is Bullseye glass in Portland, OR, USA.

What is CoE?

CoE, or Coefficient of Expansion, is the amount in which a material expands and contracts. The higher the CoE number, the more a material expands when heated. Because different glasses expand at different rates, one cannot mix different CoE, as they will not contract the same amount as they cool.

How do you make your products?

At the current time, I have two methods which I make glass art. The first method is in a full programmable kiln. I use this method for larger more complext pieces. However, for my smaller products, I will make them in a microwave kiln, which is faster but requires more extensive cleanup of the pieces I make.

The Microwave? Really?

Yes, the microwave. Small kilns can be purchased that can be used in a microwave oven, but are also extremely imprecise, getting up to full temperature inside 10 minutes instead of 6-8 hours that a true kiln would take. They are also of very limited size.

How long does it take to create products?

There is no one time for items. More complex items will take longer, as multiple firings may be required. Small items can be made inside of a day, but larger pieces can take up 3-5 days.

How durable are they?

Glass is a surprisingly durable substance when it’s fired correctly. However, like a diamond, hit it the wrong way and it could shatter, though this is rare. The upside is that, unlike resin and plastics, glass will never fade, can be washed easily, and will never become brittle.

Do you do commissions?

Yes, normally. However, commissions may close depending on outside circumstances.

How long does delivery take?

I will always commit to getting my products out as fast as possible. Small pendants will ship within 3-4 days, but larger products will take longer, especially if customs are likely to be involved and if I have the product already made and in stock.